Before the session | QHHT

We will have a 30-minute pre-meeting, where we will go into detail about the preparation and follow-up for the session, and I will be happy to answer any questions you may have. However, so that you can already get an idea, here are the most essential points: 

  • Private and confidential 
  • Duration: Between 5-7 hours
  • 1:1 in person or via Zoom 
  • May only be conducted by QHHT-certified practitioner

  • I will send you a meditation I recorded for the preparation, which you will listen to each day after our phone call. You are also welcome to do your own practice. The main goal is to get in touch with your innermost Self and your intentions for the session
  • Your dreams will become more lucid, and your Subconscious will send you messages. If you like, keep a dream journal and put it beside your bed
  • Prepare a list of questions (you can ask any type of question or formulate any challenges for which you would like to find answers or solutions), e.g., health or emotional challenges, personal reorientation and changes, family or relationship conflicts, personal history and need for clarification, life path and spiritual development
  • Write down your questions and bring them printed on the day, or send them to me beforehand if we have arranged an online session (max. 15 questions). (We will review your questions before the session and ask your Higher Self intuitive questions when I realize the answers are essential for your journey)
  • Pay attention to your diet a week in advance to gradually adjust your body to this beautiful experience. (I will gladly give you more tips during our phone call)
  • Have a light and healthy breakfast before the session, + do not drink coffee or use any other stimulants three days before

Mood: Your true intention to have an interesting experience and get answers to your questions is the key to a successful session!



After you “wake up,” I will ground you back into your body using specific Bodywork techniques. Once you return to a fully conscious state, you will feel refreshed, positive, and energetic. We will discuss what was shown and what steps you must follow. One thing is sure: You will leave the session with much more knowledge, understanding, and compassion for others, especially about yourself. 

Also, please have a meal afterwards to feel even more grounded and present in your body.


You will probably remember everything from the session – for now. Nevertheless, you will receive a recording after the session, which I will send you via WeTransfer (if you have your own recording device, you are welcome to bring it with you). Please listen to the whole recording privately.


Please keep your recording safe and listen to it frequently. I recommend doing it at least once weekly for six weeks. Every time you listen to the recording, you bring back this incredible power and energy present during the session. It is absolutely essential for your healing.

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