We used to believe that the Earth was flat and the center of our universe – and that the sun revolved around it. Today, we know that the sun is the center around which we move, not us. Our arrogance often prevents us from seeing the truth, even though it is right before us. But once the truths are uncovered, they are easy to understand.

The only question is whether we sometimes uncover them or try to distract ourselves from them by consciously or unconsciously looking away. We like to confuse the non-existence of evidence with evidence of non-existence. As the saying goes? You can’t really prove anything. Only disprove it. So we may have believed in something for years, but maybe it’s not true at all. That’s the reason: don’t believe everything you read or hear! Think for yourself, and don’t give your power away to others.

We are constantly learning, so it’s important to remain flexible in our thinking – and above all, don’t let fear cloud your judgment so that we can no longer think and decide for ourselves. We often realize that we have only looked out of one window. Perhaps from the window through which our parents, grandparents, or great-grandparents looked. But if we are prepared to widen our view to several windows, we see more and more of the whole.

I firmly believe that our body is constantly speaking to us. Every pain, symptom, and little ache – whether it’s stomach pain, pain in the legs or hands, or triggered by an allergy or a tumor – is an important message that the body sends us in its unique language. In this way, our body is trying to tell us: “Listen to me, just listen to me!” therefore, it is trying to make us think and act. But as long as we don’t listen, the pain and the suffering get worse and worse, and at some point – by taking medication – the actual source is no longer found and treated. It fades into the background, and the suffering and symptoms of the illness come to the fore. But did you know that every body part sends a different message?

Anyone who has heard of Louise Hay, Alice Stedman, Wayne Dyer, or Eckhart Tolle knows this is a familiar insight or science. After all, illnesses are never physical but spiritual and usually arise when a person is not on the path intended for them. We are spiritual beings who live in physical bodies. Therefore, what we feel physically can manifest what is going on in our spirit. Illness is the loss of inner harmony and trust in ourselves. However, we humans prefer to focus on the pain to treat it with medication rather than looking for the source within ourselves. What is the pain trying to tell me? What is my body trying to say to me? Why are we making ourselves ill? Why don’t we listen? I am firmly convinced that we can all heal ourselves. What the body can create, it can also “uncreate.” I don’t want to go that deep now, but the thought serves as a basis for what I’m getting at.

Before I start, I have an important request: it is indescribably sad and tragic that so many people die in this world, and I don’t want to ignore that at all. These lines are intended to inspire us to steer our thoughts in a different, more positive direction and thus create something valuable. They should also serve as a stimulus to question our own belief system and allow ourselves a change of perspective. To say goodbye to thinking in terms of norms to enter unfamiliar territory, and be open to something new.

Our higher self – you can also call it your superconscious, your gut feeling, the universe, or your sixth sense – is constantly communicating with us to help us stay on the path we have chosen for our growth. One of the easiest ways to get our attention is pain – and that’s why we use it. When we learn to communicate directly with these parts, we no longer need the physical messages. If we look at the coronavirus from this perspective, it’s interesting to see which part of the body is affected by it: it’s the lungs. Our breathing space. Our so-called “breath of life”.

But what exactly does that mean – and especially for us?

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