All of us have a purpose on earth, and we can only fulfill it if we find our true selves, tap into our individual potential, and stop fighting for the potential of others. When I think about myself, I know I have been trapped in this so-called “hamster wheel” for the last few years. I was doing my job well, but not with full conviction. I thought that too for a while, but I also knew that I was replaceable at any time, and I didn’t want to carry that feeling inside me for the rest of my life. You start to compensate for this strange feeling, this simple imperfection, with after-work events or dates at the weekend. You may find fulfillment in your partnership or single life for a while, but in the long run, you always come back to the point that raises the following questions: What is my calling? Why am I here? There is no good or bad, right or wrong answer.

Some people are happy with it ¬ which is perfectly fine, but this life is simply out of the question for me. In my older circle of friends, 8 out of 10 people are not doing what they want or where their true talents are being nurtured and developed. I often hear phrases like: “I just need to earn money” or “I’ve already come this far; at some point, it will be fun.”

I said them myself for a while. But don’t such statements tend to hide the insecurity of actually wanting to go in a different direction? We manipulate ourselves and say: “The way I’m driving now is fine and safe. So many others are already going in the same direction, and I would have to start from scratch again. I don’t have time for that. I’m used to working, and the extra days off are nice.” There it is again, the fear. It hides behind all the excuses and the façade of inconvenience. Our strongest feeling, and yet it is an illusion created by humans.

Let us remember the power of our own thoughts—the law of attraction. Positive things attract positive things, and negative things attract negative things. You know this. Some of my friends have already found their calling and are doing what they are passionate about. Of course, this can be in their profession and how they prioritize themselves and those around them.

Some friends thrive as mothers or fathers and/or have a partnership that fulfills them. For some, spending time with their family is the most important thing; for others, it’s traveling the globe, writing about it, and digitally capturing the impressions they gain. I’m getting at this: How you define your calling and realize your full potential is entirely up to you as long as you are fulfilled at the end of the day. But do you know what fulfills you?

Every life performs a glorious symphony. Some people feel that their symphony needs specific instruments added. Their music becomes discordant, and their lives have little harmony. The search for self-worth is about recognizing that each of us is a symphony, not just a single instrument. When you feel part of a larger music, you can sing the song you came to this planet to sing even better.

Our outer power is fleeting, but our inner power is eternal. All the answers we seek are already within us. We should now learn to search properly. Everyone finds their own way. Those who genuinely strive for it become independent of manipulation by others and can follow their heart.

The departure into a new world is imminent. We are changing our values and recognizing the value of a person as an individual. Relationships, a particular reputation, a specific position at work, a great deal with Netflix, or being “famous” in the nightlife is suddenly unimportant. We are all the same. We are loved for who we are. And isn’t that what we’ve always longed for deep in our hearts?

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