Two-day immersion
journey: The Pearl

Breathwork/Aromatherapy Space Induction + Private In-Person QHHT Session + Grounding Bodywork

"Pearls are not found in shallow water."

My premium offering, the Pearl, is a personal cultivation of my Signature Offer (90 Minutes 1:1 Session), breathwork/aromatherapy, QHHT, and bodywork that powerfully connects you to the missing pieces to experience your life fully and consciously.

The container I offer here is more than a regular QHHT session. Every detail of this experience is carefully crafted and will be tailored to your needs. In the end, you will receive your own answers from yourself, and I will create a space that allows you to go deep into where those answers exist. This two-day exclusive session is designed to support you in reconnecting with the depth of your heart and your inner knowing, dissolving fears, projections, and limitations. My main intention for our session is for you to reconnect with your authentic, original frequency and align your life with its guidance.

This is an intensive where breakthroughs will happen. This is why it is only offered as a two-day in-person session.

If you want to get a pearl, you have to dive deep!


Discovering and connecting with the part that is usually hidden underneath the layers of our personality can be truly transformational. It is a powerful journey of your consciousness and a means of realizing that all answers lie already within.

This experience includes:

This process is only offered to certain individuals who I feel called to work with due to the energetically-intensive nature of the Journey. If you feel a calling to explore this further, then please complete the form bellow, schedule a 20-minutes free Discovery Call or send me an email: