Welcome! I am Arabella. With a background in psychotherapy, I now dedicate myself to working as a hypnotherapist, energy healer, spiritual guide, and podcaster. Before stepping into this path, I spent several years in media and journalism, honing my ability to connect deeply with people and their stories.
If you’re ready to move beyond achievement and into true fulfilment, this is your moment. Together, we’ll chart a course for a life that feels not only successful but also deeply inspiring, joyful, and connected.
I offer a holistic approach, blending various healing modalities and personalized strategies to ensure that each session is uniquely tailored to your needs.
"People with an Agenda, don't want People who are Empowered."
- Derek O'Neill
The three pillars
of our work
Self-love is the basis for everything and, therefore, serves as the foundation for self-confidence. Developing self-love is essential to ending internal conflict and making the most of the many opportunities in our lives. How can we love someone else and be open to love without loving ourselves and knowing how to do it?
Confidence can be learned; it is possible. What is impossible is to go through life without making mistakes. Yet, the fear of inner and outer judgment and criticism prevents us from developing true self-confidence. True confidence (not arrogance) means that we can trust ourselves, regardless of whether recognition and acceptance come from the outside or not.
One of my clients’ top priorities is freedom and security. But this is only possible if we take off our chains of anger, fear, addiction, shame, guilt, and excessive desire for money/status, as well as the toxic need for love and acceptance, and take responsibility for ourselves and our own development.
Life is not about avoiding challenges, fears, or moments when we are confronted with our inner darkness. It is also not about escaping the inevitability of loss.
We will experience loss again, whether it’s the death of a loved one, a pet, a thought pattern, our sense of identity, a familiar environment, a relationship that no longer serves us, or an outgrown belief system. Loss is woven into our lives in ways we often do not see, shaping us both consciously and unconsciously. Every choice we make is the death of another path – a reminder that loss is inherent even in the act of moving forward.
Yet it remains taboo in our society—something we avoid and repress for as long as possible. Underlying this avoidance is the fear of our own powerlessness, which manifests itself in unique ways for each of us. Paradoxically, we become captive to it by resisting it, allowing it to dictate our lives quietly.
Repressed grief can manifest as anger, depression, and disconnection from our authentic selves.
Therefore, we will never feel truly safe in this world if we continue to run from pain. Avoidance creates more suffering and traps us in a cycle of seeking love, validation, and security through external means—manipulation, money, control, or power. But these pursuits only leave our hearts empty and our individual purpose in life unfulfilled.

Your story tells you how you got to where you are, but an abundant view of life is one which you are NOT bound by the past. It informs you but doesn't define you.
- Derek O'Neill
To live freely, we have to face our repressed emotions and free ourselves from past karma. This isn’t something we can just think our way through – although many of us, especially in our culture, would like to believe otherwise.
What past stories do you need to release in order to move forward? Who or what is holding you back—codependency, protective mechanisms, guilt, or anger toward a parent? If you already have some answers, you’re ahead of many.
Freedom, therefore, does not come from materialism, control, or power in the long run – but from deep within, and when we want something different in life, we are invited to move in another direction.
I’m here for you only if you are ready to confront your belief system, break free from generational trauma, reconnect with your deepest emotions, and reclaim the peace and love that has always been within you.
What I offer
I offer 1:1 sessions and long-term coaching to help you gain clarity, experience inner freedom and live with greater peace and fulfilment.
What clients Say
“I had the most profound, eye-opening session with Arabella the other day. She took me on a healing journey that allowed me to heal some deep-seated wounds that I had been holding onto my whole life (and most likely many past lives, too). Arabella is an incredibly powerful, wise, loving and gifted healer and space-holder. Her ability to gently yet firmly guide her clients deep within to find their own internal medicine is next-level. I left the session feeling so empowered. The next day after some deep processing, I felt like a whole new person. There are very few people I trust as much as Arabella to lead me into the depths of my soul and help me alchemize the internal lead into gold. I am so grateful to have her in my life.”
Aniko, LA
Mina, Bali
“Talking about my feelings was always a topic I wanted to ignore. But then life caught up, and I knew it was time to change. I wanted to end the endless cycle of using external events or substances to make myself feel better. Arabella helped me become aware of my inner world and be open to working on healing it. We now work together regularly, and for the first time, I no longer feel trapped in my head.”
Chris, Berlin
Annika, Berlin
“Arabella has helped me accept the parts of myself I have struggled with. Not only have I increased my self-esteem and self-worth – the constant need to perform has stopped, and the voice in my head has become much quieter.”
Oliver, LA
“After reading the book “The Three Waves of Volunteers and the New Earth” by Dolores Cannon, I felt a strong urge to schedule a QHHT session for myself. From the moment I chose Arabella as my therapist, the amount and depth of energetic experiences in my life increased incredibly. The day of the session and the follow-up session I had three weeks later are among the most memorable of my life. I would especially like to highlight Arabella’s enormous intelligence and consistency throughout the process.”
Mario, Berlin
Liza, Cape Town
tools I use in sessions
Intuitive guidance is a method that allows the Source channel to open, while the facilitator and the one who receives the session will find solutions and answers for certain challenges and questions.
Energy work helps to facilitate healing and re-aligns the energies of the emotional, mental, spiritual and physical body. It helps you to reconnect to your inner source of life force and vibrancy.
QHHT (Quantum Healing Hypnosis Technique) is a researched and proven method of regression hypnosis from past lives to discover lessons, recurring patterns, illnesses and karmic connections. Read more
The Akashic Records are an energy field that encompasses all your past lives, current incarnations and future possibilities. By accessing it we can find answers to questions you have about your path.
Bodywork is a form of therapeutic method that involves physical treatment of the body or energy fields associated with the body to release trauma and to liberate stuck energy and balance.
Shadow work brings attention and love to things that were previously rejected, suppressed, denied or pushed away. It describes any process that makes the unconscious conscious in order to feel whole again.

8 Benefits of QHHT for Men

Don’t fear your darkness

I am ignorant! I April 2024

Men’s Health – Sedona, US

Before the session | QHHT




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